Thursday 22 April 2021

Life is beautiful when u have a dog around .....

Having a dog is  such a blessing.. any cynophilist can easy relate  to it . Everyone had  heard  in their live time dog's are the loyaltiest animal on earth , never can break your trust . the love , care a dog can give u no one can its just when u need a hand u get a pawπŸ•  and at that place your life changes .you get to see how can someone love you soo much with so much of innocence .actually life is better when there is a dog around . that dog is gonna take all your stress away and gonna fill you with love . people don't know only how to show love ,  care towards someone but a dog knows even without speaking  dog's love is the purelest thing on earth a love without any complication , a love without any expectation one who is gonna love u more than u love  yourself  whose love is gonna be with u in all your ups nd down your rights your wrong who is always gonna be behind your food :) that wagging tail is always be waiting for u when u come home  ''the best therapist has fur and four legs '' well said  a dog makes your life complete  which no one can  .Human are made to break heart are made to break feeling are made to break trust but that wagging tail , that fur human is only gonna ask for your love   just imagine someone who is just want your love, your time and nothing else  .... life is gonna be so beautiful  .... 🐢for whom u can give your entire life and the same would come back to u . Dog's are not for whole life but they are gonna make your life whole filled with love . In this generation where children only talk to there parents when they need them u have someone who is always there for u without can expectation and nothing wants in return just your love  .Thats attention seeker  πŸ• whom u will always find next to u . finding a perfect partner in today's world is not possible its actually near to impossible only you can't find someone who is gonna meet your expectation but that fur friend is all u need just trust me  ....  the amount of love and care  a dog can give u no one else can .......The world would be a nicer place if everyone has the ability to love back unconditionally like a dog .  IN THE END  LOVE YOUR FUR FRIEND....🐢

Monday 19 April 2021

When life gives u break

 Life gives u hundred reasons to break down to cry but that just important for u to be more strong for the upcoming challenges ...

Break is too a part of life and some or the other way important too .break doesn't means stoppage people usually compare break to stoppage  .. Life test u in many ways that test are somewhat related to breaks only its a test of patience .sometimes u need a mental break and thats ok it might be from people or your daily routine or whatever path you are taking towards your goal ...

Break doesn't mean that u r quitting from that job it just means u need some rest in order be more focus more trained so that u can enjoy your journey a little more :)

Enjoy your life with break don't think they are burden or the obstacle .thik just they are necessary for your progress. plan your life in a better way .

As its well said 'when life gives u hundred reasons to cry take the break and search for that one reason that will make u smile make u happy' ....

Sunday 18 April 2021


Life  :)
Enjoying or living Umm two different thing .life is just like a game where players come and go some win some lose but game goes on just like life .Life is not easy its not at all a cup of tea its sometime that cannot be described in words .its difficult for each and every one at whatever stage u May be  . as I already mentioned about living or enjoying .living is just going with the flow but life is better when u enjoy with your loved ones or alone .who says u cannot be happy alone .whatever makes u happy just be with that whether if  its a person ur loving onces or the nature or the animals or whatever just be happy .life doesn't gives u a second chance darling just live it to fulliest  don't go with the flow make changes in it make it according to u what h want want u desire don't lose hope believe in destiny but work hard to get what u want and just love laugh and live :)belive in your self 
Work on your self 
Give your self time 
Rest just believe in destiny 
As the great saying hard work always pays u back 
Be a beautiful flower in the garden of world that always grow stronger everyday
And don't lose ur inter self in proving others what u really are  U  are what u r and that ur uniqueness no one can replace u nobody can take ur place ......


* USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA  * IRREGULAR SLEEP                                                                                                    ...