Showing posts with label #life #love#laugh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #life #love#laugh. Show all posts

Sunday 18 April 2021


Life  :)
Enjoying or living Umm two different thing .life is just like a game where players come and go some win some lose but game goes on just like life .Life is not easy its not at all a cup of tea its sometime that cannot be described in words .its difficult for each and every one at whatever stage u May be  . as I already mentioned about living or enjoying .living is just going with the flow but life is better when u enjoy with your loved ones or alone .who says u cannot be happy alone .whatever makes u happy just be with that whether if  its a person ur loving onces or the nature or the animals or whatever just be happy .life doesn't gives u a second chance darling just live it to fulliest  don't go with the flow make changes in it make it according to u what h want want u desire don't lose hope believe in destiny but work hard to get what u want and just love laugh and live :)belive in your self 
Work on your self 
Give your self time 
Rest just believe in destiny 
As the great saying hard work always pays u back 
Be a beautiful flower in the garden of world that always grow stronger everyday
And don't lose ur inter self in proving others what u really are  U  are what u r and that ur uniqueness no one can replace u nobody can take ur place ......


* USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA  * IRREGULAR SLEEP                                                                                                    ...