Wednesday 19 May 2021



lost in nature I found myself 
I found  my inner soul 
that lost in hectic world 
connects my  mind and soul  
I found peace , hope  
I found happiness
lost in nature I found myself 
vibes of nature hits different  
lost in its beauty 
walking  in its path
I find the  reason to live 
living in its beauty 
losing myself in it
living in its  moment 
living in nature's warm 
helps me create my own world 
nature restarts, reset my  life 
lost in nature I found myself 
nature heals the broken me 
nature map up the shattered pieces of my life
nature teaches me  patience 
nature builds me from inside
nature teaches me to live life 
lost in nature I found myself 
lost in it I found the real me .....
                             LIVE LIFE BEFORE  LIFE LEAVES YOU ----NATURE
                                                      LOVE THIS PRECIOUS GIFT OF GOD                                                                                                                                  SMILE ♡

Monday 17 May 2021

Darkness empowers your strength

 DARKNESS  .....                                                                                                                                                                               Darkness has its different  definition  for all. Some compare it to fear ,  some compare it with negative vibes ,some compare with losing something .for each and everyone darkness has its own role but this  darkness helps you to overcome your fears . From the word dark some sort of fear is developed .  Darkness is just opposite of brightness its like lack of visible light  but when that lack of lights comes in your life you compare it with  darkness .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Each and everyone face one or the other kind of difficult in their life ,life is just like a roller coaster ride it can't be plain there are ups and down  you should have the power to overcome all that . Darkest  period comes in everybody life but you should not loose you inner self in that time , actually is the time when you comes across  who you actually are , what you want to do , you come to know about your abilities your inner potential . Darkness deals with your worries ,your stress . Darkness is nothing its just your inner thoughts with whom you are not able to deal with . People usually feels depressed during this time any one could its just because you are actually deprived of happiness you are deprived of inner happiness, happiness of your soul . That inner soul happiness is actually what everyone need . During that dark period of your life you will doubt yourself that's  actually normal its just you wanted to deal with all your inner  problem you are confuse between your heart and mind . That part of your life will teach you what good what not so good ,its actually not your fault its because you just  expect more ......                                                                                                                                                                                                                   During that dark time  some or the other way  their a hope of light you are just required to find that light , darkness means not able to see that  visible light (light of hope ) but remember after all dark nights sun still comes out  just wait for your sun . That dark period will definitely gives you more strength  you came to know your inner self ( right option you are looking for) . Wait for your sun but you know during that nights moon too has its shine remember to be that shine . Nobody can take your that shine you will become more stronger .As well said '' without the darkness you will never see the stars ''                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In the end don't loose your inner charm after the darkness a light of hope is always there just find that light you will actually find your inner happiness your inner peace ''                STAY HAPPY                                                                                                                                                                       DARKNESS BRINGS THE BEST OUTCOME OF YOUR EFFORTS IT ALWAYS DEPENDS ON U HOW TO DEAL WITH IT .....                                                                                                                                 SMILE :)

Sunday 16 May 2021

Self doubt ..

SELF DOUBT .......  Its actually happens with each and everyone not ones a life time but really after six or like eight months .U can actually feel that thing its like you are not good for anything , your life is a whole mess , you don't fell that period is made for u  . But  its actually normal to self doubt on u but not normal to remain in that self doubt period for longer time  . I  actually mean its that point of your life when u actually have done something wrong , u are not able to decide on your self , not able to find a proper way , a proper path to move ahead or not able to find a right option .That part, that stage comes in everybody life but its depends on how u deal with it .During that self doubt period  u will feel like u are not good for anything but have believe in u , in your ability . In past too you have done such good things and u yourself have achieved a lot and ya motivated a lot of people around u ya be calm, be chill its just a part of your life it will go and u will be more stronger .. one or the other way u are gonna know your inner self more u will realize  what actually u are looking forward for .. take that self doubt period in a positive  way don't think about others u have potential , u have ability u are gonne be amazing have faith trust gods timing he have planned all for u . self doubt doesn't mean you are  doubting yourself its just means u need some time to decide what's good for u .On should never doubt on oneself each and everyone is unique in their own way .. self doubt on you , BUT  doubt on points whether  its good for u or not . Don't make that self doubt period last longer, u need to move ahead too  and if something went wrong don't worry god has plan B for u .. don't take stress that period is just gonna test u and is good for your future It  makes u more stronger yourself in each and every possible way as in the end only you are for yourself make use of each and every opportunity  that u gain , that u have . Just remember don't make you past effect your present or your future .....


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