Friday 11 June 2021


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  If we could go back in time I guess life would be much easier than !! one wish everybody ask for is to travel back in time as we would at least get just one chance to correct our mistake , we can make our incorrect decision to correct one  . Life would be all sorted  much planned and easy flowing , many time we lost such good opportunity either because of our shyness or we are afraid of them at least we could have another chance to grab them  its as similar like we would have given second chance to live , second chance to start everything from starting  but at the end its like if we get all we want then we wouldn't be able to learn the importance  of sacrifice in life ,  if we could make all the correct decision we couldn't be able to learn lesson from our mistake . and remember its important to flow with the process . Learning and making mistakes are equally important .Time teaches us right lessons with wrong people .  Accept yourself the way you are . life would be challenging or easiler at the same time but remember you are the best player and will play all stages of life with same efforts and hope . At end lets not leave hope , trust the process of life and flow with it's flow .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SMILE :)

If you got the opportunity to travel back in time , what the first thing you wanna change ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


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